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There's multiple ways to stay up to date with the latest developments around Pincrediball!

  • Devlog

    Sorry, no RSS yet! Please use socials for notifications on devlog updates where we'll post them often.

  • Mastodon


    For the most frequent updates, follow the account on Mastodon.

  • Twitter

    Follow @Pincrediball on Twitter

    Mastodon will likely get the most frequent updates, but the most important one will surely also go to the bird app?!

  • Reddit

    Join the Subreddit

    At the time of writing the subreddit is nearly empty. But it won't hurt to join already!?

  • YouTube

    Subscribe on YouTube

    Content forthcoming, but you can already subscribe of course! Who knows, extra subs may push me to put some (more) videos up?

  • Steam

    Wishlist the game on Steam

    If newer versions or even a full version ever becomes a thing, subscribing to updates for the game by Wish Listing it on Steam is probably a great way to stay up to date!

About the creator

This game was started as a six-week sabbatical project for me: Jeroen Heijmans. You can find me in various places online: